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Ivari Elevated DEI Outcomes and Manager Effectiveness Through Employee Listening

Ivari is a Canadian insurance provider.

Customer EX Impact Award

  • The Challenge:

    • Address multiple fronts of organizational change, including manager effectiveness, DEI, and the implications of several corporate events and policy changes, such as remote work adjustments, acquisitions, and operational outsourcing.
  • The Solution:

    • Ran targeted pulses to assess manager communication of corporate objectives and performance feedback.
    • Utilized pulses to understand employee sentiments during key organizational changes.
  • The Impact:

    • Improved the quality of performance feedback in alignment with corporate objectives, underpinning the success of internal leadership programs and contributing to a culture of accountability and growth.
    • Enhanced the inclusivity of hiring practices, increased awareness and education around DEI issues, and successfully mirrored the diversity of the community within the employee base, marking significant progress in fostering an inclusive workplace.
    • Addressed change fatigue through enhanced communication and leadership engagement, maintaining stability and employee trust through significant organizational shifts, including acquisitions and operational outsourcing.