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360 Feedback, AI-Assisted Development Plans, and Behavioral Nudges

Empower your managers with AI-Assisted Development Planning, Intelligent Nudges, and comprehensive 360 Feedback to boost leadership effectiveness and drive team success.

Organizations need managers to continuously build new skills and habits aligned with personal goals and desired leadership competencies. Traditional leadership development tools often lack consistency and continuity, impeding steady improvement.

Grow provides a continuous, integrated leadership development solution that identifies blind spots, assists managers in building positive habits, and offers personalized guidance for development. This approach supports leaders in understanding and developing the most important competencies within your framework.

What is Grow?

Leadership Excellence, Driven by Science and Powered by AI
Grow leverages cutting-edge behavioral science and AI to transform leadership development. By integrating strategic development planning and personalized guidance, along with comprehensive 360-degree feedback, Grow shifts leadership development from sporadic assessments to a continuous journey towards excellence.

Key Features

Intelligent Nudges

Delivers personalized, practical, behavioral science-backed suggestions that guide managers in applying feedback and developing new leadership habits.

Tailored to personal goals, organizational competencies, and an extensive array of data signals, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

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Intelligent Nudges

Nudges Drive Measurable, Lasting Change


40% boost in manager performance ratings attributed to nudges


51% Studies show
that nudges are more effective in creating lasting behavior change than traditional trainings


96% of nudge recipients report that nudges drive noticeable positive change for leaders

360 Feedback

Provides managers with a detailed, multi-source view of their performance, offering insights from peers, direct reports, and superiors.

Enhances self-awareness by pinpointing strengths and illuminating blind spots for personal and professional development.

Flexible to accommodate various forms of multi-rater feedback, including 180-degree, upward, peer, manager, and team feedback.

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understanding blind spots

AI-Assisted Development Planning

Simplifies and accelerates the creation of targeted development plans, addressing common challenges associated with this critical stage of the change process.

Aligns feedback with personal goals and organizational competencies, simplifying how managers prioritize and respond to feedback.

AI-Assisted Development Planning

Impact Metrics

Allows L&D leaders to quantify the effectiveness of development initiatives, providing insights into adoption and managers’ growth focus areas.

Delivers clear, actionable metrics demonstrating behavior change, skill development, and overall program impact.

Enables correlation between leadership development activities and organizational impact helping justify L&D investments.

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understanding blind spots
  • “The first time I saw the platform, I went back to my leadership and I was like a kid in the candy store. All these ways that you can see things that you could have never seen before in an easy way, and how all of a sudden the data tells a story that by itself, it doesn't. So that's what we're so excited about. For us, it's the power of that that really helps drive decision-making.”

    Carolyn PetscheAsst. Director Talent Management
  • “In one word, I would describe Perceptyx as innovative. Perceptyx is interested in pushing the envelope of what listening can be and how it can impact organizations, cultures, and communities, and this is crucial today.”

    Matt GosneyVice President, Organizational Development
enable managers

Enable Managers to Be
Agents of Change

With Grow, you can equip your managers with the resources they need to continuously develop the behaviors required to engage their people and build high-performing teams that significantly contribute to the organization’s success.


Real-Time Feedback: Offers immediate insights into blind spots and growth opportunities, encouraging rapid adaptation and personal development.


Actionable Guidance: Provides direct, personalized steps to develop stronger management behaviors and habits.


Strategic Alignment: Ensures that development aligns with broader organizational objectives, promoting a strong management layer that can drive performance.

Connect with Us

Step into the new era of leadership development planning with Grow. Contact us to transform your employee experience.