Contextualize your results with the industry’s most comprehensive database of employee experience metrics
An Entire World of Data
Our global benchmark database is expansive — spanning 528 organizations across all major industries and including a countless number of available data cuts. With over 20 million responses representing 707 unique items, you will have the abundance of high-quality, reliable data necessary to add context and comparison points to your reports. With this, you will know with confidence how you compare against your peers and derive key learnings that enable you to pursue targeted areas for improvement.
Unlocking EX Transformation

Understand Your Baseline
Interpret results with clarity and ease to know where you stand and where you want to go relative to your peers and other enterprises.

Define Your North Star
Illuminate strengths and improvement areas to develop goals for enhancing your employee and organizational experience.

Give Leaders the Full Picture
Provide every leader across your organization the context to interpret their results and act on what will have the greatest impact.
20 Million Responses
528 Organizations
226 Countries
707 Unique Items
What Our Customers Say:
“Perceptyx’s benchmarks are much deeper than others. Knowing how large the Perceptyx customer base is, where the benchmarks come from, and how they are calculated gives our entire in-house team of IO psychologists and domain experts the confidence we need to lean on them.”
- Director of Talent Insights, A Fortune 500 Semiconductor Company
Comprehensive Coverage
Our benchmarks cover a wide range of industries, employee characteristics, and experience themes, including
Industry Classifications
Perceptyx utilizes the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for classifying organizations. The breakout below illustrates the composition of our database by NAICS Sector.
- Accommodation and Food Services
- Administrative and Support and Waste
- Management and Remediation Services
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- Construction
- Educational Services
- Finance and Insurance
- Healthcare and Social Assistance
- Information
- Management of Companies and Enterprises
- Manufacturing
- Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
- Other Services (except Public Administration)
- Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
- Public Administration
Item Themes
The Perceptyx Benchmark database includes data representing the full scope of an employee’s experience throughout the lifecycle, including data from engagement, onboarding, and exit listening programs.
Included are items representing the following themes:
- Change Management
- Clarity of Direction
- Company Culture
- Continuous Improvement
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Employee Empowerment
- eNPS
- Ethics and Integrity
- Growth and Development
- Manager Relationship
- Pandemic / COVID-19
- Performance Management
- Pride in Company / Engagement
- Recognition and Reward
- Resources and Support
- Survey Effectiveness
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Trust & Respect
Summary of Available Benchmark Cuts
Perceptyx offers a myriad of breakouts to aid with interpreting survey results. The following list is not exhaustive, but rather represents a sample of the most popular cuts.
Perceptyx Customers Overall
Industry Classifications
- NAICS Sector
- NAICS Sub-Sector
- NAICS Groups
- PYX Standard Industries
- Country
- Global Regions
- US Regions
Employer of Choice
- Employee Perception
- High Revenue Growth
- Most Engaged
Ownership Type
Company Size
- Employee Size Groupings
- Enterprise Level Breakout
- Fortune 100/500/1000
- Global 500
Publicly Traded Companies
- Primary Stock
- Exchange
- S&P 500
- Russell 2000
Additional Employee Characteristics
- Age & Generation
- Tenure
- Gender
- Employee Pay Type
- Job Function
- Job Level
- M&A Impacted
- Employees
- Ethnicity*
- Union Status*
- Shift
*Data Representing the US Only