MGM Resorts Elevates Employee Engagement with New Supervisor Training Program
- Launched new, well-received (96% favorable) supervisor training program
- Reached 91% role readiness among supervisor trainees
- Reduced voluntary employee turnover throughout 2024
The Opportunity
In 2024, MGM Resorts identified a need to refine its approach to employee feedback. While their bottom-up strategy focused on the frontlines had already shown success, survey data indicated that many improvement areas required company-wide solutions. They sought to engage their senior leadership more deeply in driving meaningful change across their organization.
The Solution
MGM Resorts completely revamped its executive presentation approach, shifting from detailed demographic comparisons to focused organizational insights. A planned 15-minute senior leadership briefing expanded into a 45-minute strategic discussion, with each executive adopting specific initiatives.
Leadership engagement took multiple forms:
- Senior leader led roundtables at newly acquired properties
- HR targeted listening sessions
- Property-level "You Said It, We Did It" communications to emphasize the power of acting on feedback
- Integration of survey insights into 2025 strategic priorities
The organization launched a new supervisor development program while expanding recognition initiatives for tenured employees. Each property team conducted roundtable sessions, ensuring local voices shaped company-wide improvements.
The Impact
The strategic alignment between survey insights and 2025 priorities created a clear chain of accountability. Each executive's ownership of specific initiatives ensured sustained attention to key focus areas: well-being, recognition, and supervisor development. This top-level commitment supported property-level teams in implementing meaningful changes.
The supervisor training program had immediate results. Among participants, 96% reported positive experiences, while 91% felt well-prepared for their leadership roles following completion. The enhanced focus on recognition and development contributed to a significant reduction in voluntary turnover through 2024. Local engagement flourished through the "You Said It, We Did It" campaign, which proved to be a highly effective way of connecting employee feedback to visible workplace improvements. Regular roundtable sessions maintained strategic momentum while ensuring initiatives remained relevant to team needs.