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Blanchard Used Crowdsourced Insights to Decrease Turnover by 3% and Increase the Rate of Internal Promotions

Blanchard is a global leader in leadership development, consulting, and coaching.

Customer EX Impact Award

  • The Challenge:

    • Maintain high engagement and address stagnating survey scores by developing a fresh approach to effectively capturing and actioning employee feedback.
  • The Solution:

    • Introduced crowdsourced surveys to complement the annual satisfaction survey, focusing on key areas identified for improvement, such as feedback, growth, and procedural fairness.
    • Implemented targeted training programs and initiatives to address these areas directly, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.
  • The Impact:

    • Introduced Conversational Capacity and Building Trust training, leading to improved communication skills and stronger relationships.
    • Metrics related to comfort in providing feedback and receiving coaching from managers showed significant improvement.
    • Launched career development initiatives, including Empower Hours and the Career Discovery course, leading to enhanced career growth opportunities and an increase in the average rate of internal promotions from 7% in 2021 to 11% in 2023.
    • Conducted a compensation and job description audit and offered one-on-one coaching to address fairness concerns, along with Wellness Days to support greater work-life balance.
    • Demonstrated the positive impact of listening initiatives on organizational health via improvements in engagement scores and a reduction in turnover rates from 10.78% in 2021 to 7.28% in 2023.