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The Surgeon General’s recent advisory called attention to the critical importance of social connection for individual and community well-being, as well as the negative consequences when connection is lacking. Understanding that this absence of connection – more commonly expressed as loneliness – contributes to negative outcomes for our physical and emotional health, the Perceptyx Research & Insights team wanted to understand more specifically: What role does loneliness play in the health of our workplaces?

In the 2023 update to our annual series on the key factors driving today’s employee experience, we’re revisiting 4 key workplace personas — The Energized, The Contented, The Disconnected, and The Neglected — to examine how their numbers have changed, and reveal:

  • How is the rise of loneliness in our personal lives manifesting in our workplaces?
  • What key characteristics of a healthy workplace are most effective at preventing and combating loneliness?
  • How does the relationship with our direct manager affect our sense of connection?
  • What is the impact of remote versus in-person environments? (Can we still feel lonely even when working in close proximity to others?)
  • Tips for how leaders can recognize at-risk employees, and respond with actions to help them successfully connect, wherever they sit.

Access this on-demand webinar by filling out the form below: