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Crowdsourcing & Voting

Co-create solutions with crowdsourced insights and recommendations for action.

Align leaders and teams around meaningful action through real-time solutions.

Crowdsourcing employees’ thoughts and ideas on what matters most and which actions to take builds inclusion, trust, and shared ownership in the path ahead.

  • “One of the major benefits of crowdsourcing is building our conversational muscle. It has been critical for leaders to be able to have authentic, transparent, and important conversations about some very serious and significant topics – it has been crucial in our being able to navigate with success these last few years.”

    Matt Gosney, Vice President, Organizational Development, UCHealth
  • “We love that crowdsourcing allows us not only to be direct with our colleagues on the business decisions we’re making but also allows our colleagues to be transparent in sharing their needs and contributions. It’s a win/win we could never achieve without the ability to up vote!”

    Carey Nash, Engagement and Communications Partner, Blanchard

Ask the people who know

Invite employees to share authentic feedback on the topics most important to them through an open, transparent dialogue.

question 4 of 6
everybody believes that he or she can have a positive impact

Prioritize the actions that matter

Empower everyone to co-define the best action by voting on each other’s anonymous responses.

what is one thing within your team's control that could be done to make you more enthusiastic about working here?
positive feedback

Take the best path forward

Empower leaders to synthesize the organization’s collective wisdom to address key challenges in real-time and at scale.

there is a clear consistent set of values
what is one thing within your team's control that could be done

Customer Stories

Principal Financial Group utilizes Dialogue to send multiple, organization-wide pulses to its 18,500 global employees. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company was able to quickly understand how people were doing and provide leadership with immediate responses for fast action.

Learn more about the Principal Financial Group customer story

UCHealth has significant improvement in employee engagement, trust in leadership, and patient experience scores. In the first year of the program alone, employee engagement went up 15% and trust in leadership increased by 18%.

Learn more about the UCHealth customer story

The Ken Blanchard Companies rapidly identified the most pressing employee concerns related to career development through employing Dialogue, leading to achieving a 7% rate of internal promotions from within — in some cases to roles that didn’t previously exist.

Learn more about the The Ken Blanchard Companies customer story

Use Cases

Employee Engagement

Go deeper into survey results in real-time to address feelings around proposed priorities and action.

Well-being, Retention and Growth

Activate an authentic conversation that generates the trust, alignment and action steps to co-navigate the best path ahead.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Demonstrate inclusion at scale by inviting employees to co-create solutions to the most pressing challenges. Encourage authentic responses to key questions through an intuitive experience and optional integration with other listening channels.

Employee Engagement Pulses

Identify what’s getting in the way of your people having the best employee experience possible, and what you can do to break down those barriers.

Best Practices

Blogs that discuss how to use Lifecycle

Why Crowdsourcing is the Future of Employee Listening

Webinar providing an up-close look at Dialogue, how it’s so powerful for amplifying employee voices, and how it fits into a larger strategy for continuous employee listening at scale.

Read more about Why Crowdsourcing is the Future of Employee Listening

Amplifying Voices Through Employee Crowdsourcing

Overview of real-time collaboration through crowdsourcing and voting, fostering agile, inclusive, and aligned solutions for organizational challenges and meaningful change.

Read more about Amplifying Voices Through Employee Crowdsourcing

Measuring Culture Through Employee Voice

A discussion of how to leverage the power of crowdsourcing and voting to drive a culture of safety and continuously build the best possible work environment for employees.

Read more about Measuring Culture Through Employee Voice

Getting started is easy

Advance from data to insights
to organizational impact