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Children’s Nebraska Partnered with Perceptyx to Increase Survey Participation and Decrease Time Spent Surveying

Children's Nebraska, formerly known as Children's Hospital and Medical Center, is a premier pediatric healthcare organization that has provided specialized care for children across Nebraska and beyond since its founding in 1948.

Customer EX Impact Award

  • The Challenge:

    • Modernize the employee engagement strategy to better reflect the organization's commitment to creating a positive employee experience.
    • Partner with a vendor to unite data previously hosted by separate vendor platforms for different surveys to eliminate inefficiency and reduce costs.
  • The Solution:

    • Launched first-ever comprehensive census survey integrating employee, provider engagement, and RN satisfaction.
    • Transitioned from merely administering surveys to fostering an organizational culture deeply committed to employee engagement, as outlined in its People First Promise.
  • The Impact:

    • Achieved an 84% response rate on first-ever integrated survey, surpassing previous engagement and satisfaction surveys.
    • Identified consistent engagement priorities across different employee groups, facilitating collaborative action planning focused on common goals.
    • Initiated a formal, enterprise-wide, multi-disciplinary strategy for workplace safety, improving safety scores in subsequent pulse surveys, reflecting increased confidence in the survey process and safety at work.