The New Workplace Factors Impacting the Employee Experience
A Persona-Based Approach to Understanding Your Workforce & Winning in the Future of Work
Your employees’ needs and expectations have changed. Has your employee listening strategy changed with it?

In 2021, most large organizations have some type of listening program in place to measure the experience of their people – whether formal or informal. However, the typical measures we’ve used for decades to examine factors like employee engagement have become largely table stakes.
Competition for talent today has moved beyond these essential elements – the standard commodities of good people management. Organizations who want to thrive in the future of work need to recognize that a new bar for employee experience has been set, and that they must evolve as well in order to reach it, sustain it, and successfully measure it.
Our latest report reveals:
- The 3 primary factors driving EX today, and why they may be missing from your current listening program
- A persona-based approach for diagnosing at-risk employees, and preventing new ones
- Which of your employees are unlikely to leave, yet most likely to be a detriment to your EX and your brand, and
- Why HR and business leaders must re-focus to understand not only why employees are leaving, but how they can improve the experience of those who stay.